Ossington that way please!

I don’t know about you guys but we enjoy walking around …especially downtown and especially on beautiful days we been having. It’s a perfect light settle breeze and enough sunshine to make you feel warm and toasty (not that sweaty sticky feeling).  A couple of months ago we ventured off to go see my dear friend Natacha’s pop up show. In Ossington.  We have never been to that area of city before so we make sure we explore it.  First we found a great Italian bakery shop, “Francesca“, and cool hipster type restaurant called “Té” asian fusion flare.  Than we hung out a local park because … Ty couldn’t resist! If you know a place let me know a place around the GTA, I would love to go check out.



Great seeing these lovely Natacha & Celeste as always.



Ty is hanging with Natacha at her Nook to Hook Pop Up show.



“Mommy, I’m like the spider Charlotte in the book!”



I knew Tim couldn’t resist either!





Nutella and Portuguese Egg Tart…. uhmm YUM!


Ty and I share the Dark- Spiced Taiwanese Fried Chicken and Egg Waffle


Tim got the Kim Chi and Pork Belly Eggs Benedict


Most Likely…

Remember those “Most likely…” questionnaire games you asked among your friends? well, we played in our own little Kwongsters version. Hit ‘play’ and enjoy!

Click here for the video: Most Likely

Incase… the questions were unclear because of the audio or just because we suck at speaking.

  Here were the questions:

  1. Who most likely to always have a smile on his/her face?

  2.  Who most likely to cheat on a test?

  3. Who has the best kiss in the house?

  4. Who likely go skinny dipping?

  5. Who likely feed homeless?

  6. Who is addicted to video games?

  7. Who is likely to burp in a restaurant?

  8.  Who will likely pick their nose in public?

  9. Who likely annoy someone on purpose?

  10. Who most likely cry over little things?

  11.  Who likely to fart in public?

  12. Who is a strict parent?

  13. Who likely to get fat?

Last card UNO!

Tim and I never really played board games growing up. So, it was pretty interesting to see us really enjoyed playing board games. It started this year or so, we been dabbling into playing board games such as Pup Race, Operation, Bubble, Sorry and Forbidden Desert. BUT there was one board game that we really enjoyed was Scrabble Jr! It was given from our Ty’s friend Abiola, we played it right after school; Ty enjoyed so much that most of the time Ty rather play Scrabble Jr over this own free play time. This game is so awesome because you can also flip over the other side that is more challenging to make- up your own words to earn points. Nevertheless, we continue that particular game for almost 4 months. After playing that game for awhile we were looking for a new game so my Cornell mommy friend Jen she gave us Chutes and Ladder, and Cupcake Race we also love playing these game board as well it was a light and great way to change the pace versus the other game boards we been dabbling into.

For the past almost 4 weeks now we been completely OBSESSED with playing UNO! Have you all heard of it? I mean… we are BEYOND HOOKED. Tim and Ty play it 2x in the morning before going to school, 1 time before we eat our lunch than 2x after lunch, after school 4x and then before dinner 1 time and after dinner 4-6x, later after shower 4x and before going to bed 2x. Can you say we addicted to this game or what? We even try different way to play. We played UNO countdown and we trying playing with 10 cards or 15. To make it more interesting we are placing wager!

Is there a game in your household that you all play together and let me know and maybe we can trade.

A is for Apricot, B is for Bubble and W is for Watercress

We love soup… especially Chinese soup. We love soup so much I make it every 3 days. We drink it in the mornings, sometime at lunch and …of course Chinese tradition is after dinner … especially the weather we been having nothing warms our belly than a delicious and healthy broth of homemade of ‘ Sai Yeung Choi’ in Chinese which means, watercress soup.  I make watercress soup every now and than but this year alone I probably I made it 2x and I couldn’t perfected that taste. There are many variation to make this soup but I keep trying find the that one distinctive taste needless to say I think I did it my 3rd time.. FINALLY.

Tell me what’s your family favorite soup or yours and send me recipe we are always on the look out for new soup to taste !


Watercress helps clearing facial blemishes and improves night vision. As well, pact full of Vitamin A.

Shitty Sundays


We all have a day that we don’t like to look forward to and for us, Kwongsters it’s  SUNDAYS  is not because it’s the last weekend before Monday starts. It’s simply the fact that we do EVERYTHING or like 89% of our errands on Sundays.   Our day starts at 7:40am Like, really any earlier…. I swear I’mma hurt someone!

7:15am to 7:30am – *hit snooze….1x, 2x, 3,x 4x, 5….. fuck we don’t want to wake up*

7:40am – up with much needed loud music playing

8am –  breakfast, breakfast

9am – Ty’s soccer [Tim and I are sitting duck but once while we glance up and show him our support. Yay! Go TY! ]

11am –   At home, Ty shower after soccer.  Check fridge and prepare to plan for the week of grocery etc. Ty eat.

12pm – Tim drops me off to get groceries at our usual TnT supermarket [or sometime at Foody and No Frills]

1pm –  Tim’s take Ty to wushu [Tim at Walmart getting: household items consist of Kleenex, paper towels, eggs, Orange juice, yogurt, milk  and you know that sorta thing ]

2pm – picks up Ty and me

3pm – Eat lunch usually at New City Restaurant [Hong Kong Diner]

4pm – unload our gorceries and unwind [usually been board games or we do our separate downtime. Tim catches up on sports, I been reading, “Dragon Spring Road” and “The 5 Love languages”   or nap .  Then there’s Ty who is  either playing with his Lego, Lego, Lego or going through Pokémon cards collection]

5pm – deciding to staying in or go out to eat … it’s usually we go out. Where? Whatever tickles our taste buds. Viet? Maybe.  Canadian? Feeling it. Thai?  Oooh. Mexican?  Oh ya.  Korean? Oh yum!

6pm – Finally decided.

730pm – home and shower

8pm – Ty’s asleep

8pm to 10pm – Tim and I either we talk [I talk, he listen. ]  and try out the new snacks we bought from today [but we really should go down the basement and workout]

10pm – I finished my emails, texting and prepare for the week to do lists and than I’m asleep

10 to 12pm – Tim in his man cave

So, question to you guys — is there a day of the week you or your family dread the most?